Wednesday 23 May 2012

NormaL Service Will Resume Shortly

'Never apologise and never explain - it's a sign of weakness,' is what John Wayne advised in the 1949 film She Wore A Yellow Ribbon.

Advice which is totally disregarded in 2012, because everybody seems to say 'I'm sorry!' at the drop of a hat. Well that is the case in Britain and the U.S. and no doubt the rest of the world.

You will have noticed that the Accidental Bus Driver has been ominously silent recently. 'Good riddance!' I overheard someone say.

The reasons are long. Some good. Some tedious. Some tiresome. Some dull.

I am not going to emulate the Duke. I will copy a teacher who looked down disdainfully at me, scowled and deepened his voice whilst he controlled his ire by saying: 'Don't grovel, boy!'

Suffice to say that I am back and normal service will be resumed. Well, when I use the term normal, I use it loosely. Memories of China 1979, Hearts, a symbolic football and news from the city which has been described as looking like helping Police with their enquiries, Facebook fear and the usual eclectic mix of life's little incidences which created an Accidental Bus Driver.

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