Sunday 8 August 2010

Troubled Tandoori

It is one of a bus driver's pleasure to have a 3 hour break in the Lake District. What better than to take your sandwiches and sit by the Lake. There you see the average British in a different guise. In purple goretex jackets and shorts. The lakeside walk is full of fat ducks Canada geese and swans eager for the half eaten remains which are either dropped or thrown.

Every second person is licking an ice cream cone. Everywhere you looked, someone seemed to be eating something, Watching this, I had to agree with Sheilah Graham's past observation that: 'food is the most primitive form of comfort'.

The return journey from the Lakes forced me into a different situation regarding food. In a Northumbrian town the local Bangladeshi Tandoori restaurant owner had parked his car so badly that the bus could not get through the narrow street. All I could do was get out the bus and go into the restaurant.

The owner did not take kindly to my suggestion that if he parked there regularly, he could have an amazing business as the bus passengers would have plenty of time to order their take-aways.

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