Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Stop Those Sheep

I am not driving today.

I am improving my driving technique, however, courtesy of the BBC Science Unit. The following may link may be informative to all you other drivers too, as you test your reactions:


I find it very lifelike as there are always brain dead sheep wandering in front of my bus.


  1. I really enjoy your well written and amusing blog but find the light font on a dark background difficult and painful to read after a while. Please consider using a balck type face

  2. I agree, Richard. It is time for a change, design wise. Layouts, I have to confess are not my strong point, but I hope the new look will be easier to read.

    Thank you for your knid comments.

  3. Thanks ABD, that is so much easier to read. I don't know why my name comes up as Richard (I was probably trying to hide my identity)- actually I am Steve and used to be a bus driver for 32 years before moving to the USA. Your stories remind me of bus driving when I worked at two rural bus depots in Essex before Badgerline and FirstGroup bought us and spoiled all the good times.
